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Mercury Rising - Building Rome 1998
13.04.2016, 08:34
Год: 1998
Стиль: Power Progressive Metal
Страна: US
01. Cathedral
02. Building Rome
03. The Occurrence of Tomorrow
04. A Narrow Door
05. Moment of Truth
06. Of Lesser Men
07. Renaissance
08. Think
Chris Brush - Bass
Jeff Moos - Drums
Mike Evans - Guitars
Judd Rizzo - Guitars
Clarence Osborne - Vocals

Mercury Rising is a prog metal band from USA with two albums under the belt. This is second one from 1998 named "Building Rome". I must confess this was and is still after so many years after first listening a real surprise for me. A very strong and well crafted album, the musicianship is outstanding, the vocal parts are super, what else an album must have.

Taken their influences from Fates Warning ("Perfect Symmetry" era), Queensryche and even in places some Sieges Even elements are added, Mercury Rising release an album hard to forget if you are in this kind of music. Very talented band who for some reasons never made it in prog metal circles, it's a shame because this is one of the best prog metal album of the 90's for sure.

Well balanced album with a complex intrumental passages combined very well with outstanding vocal parts. I was simply blown away after I re-listen and re-discover this band after I've first listen the album when was released 11 years ago. Simply amazing, how is possible such a band with so many qualities to become so unknown is beyond me.

Clarence Osborne vocal parts are simply amazing, not to mention the other musicians are top notch. This is almost forgotten treasure in prog metal world. All the pieces stands as very good to my ears, not a weak moment. "Cathedrals", the title track, "Moment Of Truth" are examples how great this band is, quite better than the previous one, with a lot to offer.

I highly recommended this band and specially this "Building Rome" album, they deserve a better view for sure. It's sad that they are so unknown and they disbanded a year after this relese, if you are a prog metal fan try this album worth every second. Almost a masterpiece of prog metal, an excellent album to have in your collection.

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Категория: Metal Heavy/Power/Speed lossless | Добавил: Darksage | Теги: Metal Music, music, Lossless, download
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