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Главная***Все новости музыки » 2013 » Октябрь » 5 » Lizzi Neal band - So Long Heartache 2013
Lizzi Neal band - So Long Heartache 2013

Стиль:Blues Rock

01. Drownin (6:29)
02. Haven't I Been Good to You (4:04)
03. So Long Heartache (4:58)
04. Cryin Won't Help (5:23)
05. Strange Feelin (4:00)
06. Brother Will (3:48)
07. Blues On My Mind (5:37)
08. Muddy Water (5:02)
09. Too Many Days (5:10)
10. Movin On (3:50)
11. Stormy Monday (7:18)
12. The Road (4:46)
13. Midnight (4:53)
14. Thank You (2:21)
15. I Wanna Dance (4:08)

Paralyzing Blues Rock with Soulful Hot Vocals on Top. The Best Music Cookie you ever ATE. Screaming Guitar, Thumpin Bass, Gritty Harmonica, and Tantalizing Horns lay the ground so the Vocals can REACH THE SKY!!!


The Lizzi Neal Band from Illinois is Blues with kick of TNT.
The live show is so fantastic and energetic that you can’t stay in your seat. Formed in 2003 LNB brings together years of experience.
"If you are looking for something new that doesn't sound like anything else, The Lizzi Neal Band is the real deal. They have such a dynamic style and have a way of making each person feel that they are playing just for them. Whatever "IT" is they have it! They soothe the pressures this life hands us all and for a moment we can all let it go. Thanks for the passion, music, and talent and for sharing it so well! Lizzi Neal is one of the best!” ---River City Blues Society

Lizzi's vocals are so incredible you will struggle with every emotion you have all at once. Lizzi comes from music in her blood; she grew up listening to her dad play and sing everyday. She isn't just a singer; it’s like listening to a finely tuned instrument. You can hear so many influences in their music, but it still remains original just to them, they have a sound all their own. Dave has been playing guitar since he was 13 and you can hear a mix of blues, country and rock in his playing. Jason IS the best bass man around, mixing his love for blues, funk, and rock, he is untouchable. John brings everyone together by being a true leader and a force to be reckoned with.

"So Long Heartache" although its not technically their first recording it is the first full length project. Its a mix of Blues Rock, Soul, and Jazz. Layered with amazing Guitar sounds, Horns, and Harmonica with unimaginable vocals on the top.

Категория: Audio-Music Diary | Просмотров: 1289 | Добавил: Darksage | Теги: rock music, blues rock, Blues, Rock | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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